I think a rather difficult aspect of animating would be The Walking. It combines all aspects of basic animation into one form of movement where somebody puts one leg in front of the other.

Like it is easy for me to walk from one area to the next, it is just as easy to screw it up with animation. It’s not just the legs that move, every aspects of the body is moving due to the weight of the body, the contact of the floor, etc. Everything’s moving and you need to demonstrate that.

The last thing you’d want is to have a walk that looks stilted and unconvincing or a walk that looks so unnatural that you wonder if the animator behind it ever had any reference to begin with.

tfw you’re completely hammered but you want to come off as sober.

I think the first thing to achieve The Walk is to look at exaggerated examples in real life. Real life stuff can be broken down into ~secret keyframes~. So, for example, these two models:

Image result for catwalk walking gifs Image result for catwalk walking gifs

Oof!! Work it.

So, these two are good examples because it’s clear movement. Catwalk models walk like this to show off clothes, but we can see the movement of the hips, the weight of the body, and the clear demonstration of the limbs.

But, unless you were going for a really confident character who likes to strut their stuff, you’re not going to get much if you use these references primarily… Unless that character was Iota no. 9.

He’s got the heels and everything.

Meanwhile you have other characters that would need to use specific motions or gestures to say ‘Hey, it’s me! This is how I walk.’.

So I’ll focus on the strutting to get a good grasp on what I’m working with.

Updates soon. ;3

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